
Visualizzazione dei post da agosto, 2016

Martedì 30 agosto ore 21 proiezione del film LAMERICA


Lettera dei "migranti di Como San Giovanni" al Prefetto, ai cittadini europei, ai fratelli migranti

pubblichiamo di seguito la lettera che i migranti che sostano alla stazione hanno presentato al prefetto Giovedì 19 agosto 2016: 18 August 2016 TO THE PREFECT, EUROPEAN CITIZENS AND BROTHERS MIGRANTS SITUATION AT THE BORDER Push-backs We are brought back to Italy even though we have asked for asylum: some  people told it to the Swiss police orally, others with written declarations. They  reject everybody, even minors, pregnant women and people with medical conditions, without respecting international laws. They send you back without legal advice and without permission to contact  lawyers. There are language barriers and there is no translation, so people are  brought back to Italy without any idea about their situation or their rights. Police controls   Swiss police arrests us and undresses us, even minors, old women and men. There was the case of a very old woman who had to undress in front of a  man, even though she is Muslim and this is fo...